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9-spoke Patterned Millefiori

9-spoke Patterned Millefiori
9-spoke Patterned Millefiori
9-spoke Patterned Millefiori
9-spoke Patterned Millefiori
9-spoke Patterned Millefiori
9-spoke Patterned Millefiori
9-spoke Patterned Millefiori
This attractive high-domed, large weight makes use of just 2 main colours in the design: pink & various shades of blue - with a mere hint of pale-lemon in the centre cane. A fine set-up with well made canes (no slippage) and white latticinio twists lend a distinctive note to this popular design, on a semi-translucent, dark-grey ground.
Fire-polished, slightly concave base, with a lightly ground pontil mark.
Diameter81 mm - 3 3/16"
Height61 mm - 2 3/8"
  • Reference: STR X044
  • Weight: 0.80kg