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9-Spoke Cartwheel

9-Spoke Cartwheel
9-Spoke Cartwheel
9-Spoke Cartwheel
9-Spoke Cartwheel
9-Spoke Cartwheel
9-Spoke Cartwheel
9-Spoke Cartwheel

Complex, meticulously-set millefiori canes in subtle tones - white, yellow, pale-green - as a contrast to the stronger red & blue cross canes around the perimeter - make this a most attractive 9-spoke design (with white latticinio twists) over a mottled pale-green colour ground.
Concave, fire-polished base with faint scratching on the basal rim.


Conditionexcellent; as with most vintage weights, some very minor surface scuffs
Diameter64mm - 2 ½"
Height47mm - 1 13/16"
  • Reference: STR X001
  • Weight: 0.40kg