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Colourful Patterned

Colourful Patterned
Colourful Patterned
Colourful Patterned
Colourful Patterned
Colourful Patterned
Colourful Patterned
Colourful Patterned

Strathearn at its finest: a mid-size weight with excellent canework set on a translucent dark-bluish-grey colour ground. Reddish-orange & ivory/pink millefiori canes are separated by 11 lace-like latticinio tubes pointing towards the centre cluster. This is composed of a slate-blue & white double star encircled by 2 neatly-set rows of canes: brown & white cross canes followed by pale-grey corrugated canes filled with orange-centred, slate-blue cogs. An eye-catching, well made weight !
Fire polished, slightly concave base.


Diameter64mm - 2 ½"
Height42mm - 1 5/8"
  • Reference: STR X066
  • Weight: 0.47kg