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    1986A Closepack Millefiori - Ed. 400
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    1985 Christmas Crown - Ed. 300

1985 Smithsonian "Special" - Ed. 500

1985 Smithsonian
1985 Smithsonian
1985 Smithsonian
1985 Smithsonian
1985 Smithsonian
1985 Smithsonian
1985 Smithsonian "Special" - Ed. 500

A millefiori design produced exclusively for the Smithsonian Institute. From the complex lavender, white & green centre cane, 5 radial latticinio twists divide the weight into panels packed with millefiori canes in a 1-2-3-4 formation. Colours range from green & pink to amber & blue. 5 lengths of the same latticinio twists form a border garland. The design is set over a translucent cobalt-blue colour ground.
Signed with a P1985 date cane in the polished base, which bears an original Perthshire label.


Diameter. 64mm - 2 1/2"
Height45mm - 1 3/4"
  • Reference: PER 02162
  • Weight: 0.50kg