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Millefiori Bouquet 1/1 (2007)

Millefiori Bouquet 1/1 (2007)
Millefiori Bouquet 1/1 (2007)
Millefiori Bouquet 1/1 (2007)
Millefiori Bouquet 1/1 (2007)
Millefiori Bouquet 1/1 (2007)
Millefiori Bouquet 1/1 (2007)
Millefiori Bouquet 1/1 (2007)

The clear glass of this one-of-a-kind bulbous weight encases an upright bouquet resting on a bed of green & pink leaves. The petals of the 3 millefiori “flowers” are made of elongated complex canes, set around a millefiori “stamen”. The weight is elaborately finished with a top window, oval side facets and notch-cuts around the base.
A PMcD signature cane is positioned next to the bouquet.


Diameter55mm - 2 3/16"
Height72mm - 2 7/8"
  • Reference: PMC 00954
  • Weight: 0.60kg