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G03 Miniature Spoke (General Range)

G03 Miniature Spoke (General Range)
G03 Miniature Spoke (General Range)
G03 Miniature Spoke (General Range)
G03 Miniature Spoke (General Range)
G03 Miniature Spoke (General Range)
G03 Miniature Spoke (General Range)
G03 Miniature Spoke (General Range)

A miniature paperweight with 6 clusters of millefiori canes between latticinio rods, radiating out from cog canes centred by a pink/white cruciform cane. The design - set on an opaque red ground - is encircled by a garland of mauve cog canes.
The weight is signed with a “PMcD” cane in the polished, concave base.

Condition excellent
Diameter50mm - 2"
Height 38mm - 1 ½"
  • Reference: PMC 03712