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Kiresque 1/1 (2012)

Kiresque 1/1 (2012)
Kiresque 1/1 (2012)
Kiresque 1/1 (2012)
Kiresque 1/1 (2012)
Kiresque 1/1 (2012)
Kiresque 1/1 (2012)
Kiresque 1/1 (2012)

10 white rose canes and a new complex cane - composed of green tubes & white rods around a mustard-yellow tube, sheathed in dark-blue, and centred by a tiny white Japanese anemone - are two features which catch the eye in this new, colourful design. The colour ground is translucent amber, the base is a layer of blue-lined, white star staves.
The underside is scratch-signed M. Hunter, 12 1/1 and inscribed “Kiresque”. In the centre is an MH signature cane.

Diameter70mm - 2 3/4"
Height48mm - 1 7/8"
  • Reference: TWI 02383
  • Weight: 0.60kg