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Bouquet with Roses (2009)

Bouquet with Roses (2009)
Bouquet with Roses (2009)
Bouquet with Roses (2009)
Bouquet with Roses (2009)
Bouquet with Roses (2009)
A colourful bouquet containing 8 pink & green Clichy-style roses, 3 buds, bright-blue forget-me-nots and a deep-purple aster with fine yellow pistils...set against variegated green leaves over a clear ground.
Monogrammed and dated: KR 2009 on the side of the weight next to the “R” signature cane. Polished, concave base.
Diameter62 mm - 2 7/16"
Height52 mm - 2 1/16"
  • Reference: ROS 01486
  • Weight: 0.50kg