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Rose Garden (1998)

Rose Garden (1998)
Rose Garden (1998)
Rose Garden (1998)
Rose Garden (1998)
Rose Garden (1998)
Rose Garden (1998)
Rose Garden (1998)

Encircling a large central pink/green rose are 11 lavender roses and 6 yellow roses within a double border garland. The inner garland is composed of yellow & pink pansies alternating with pairs of green & white cog canes. In the outer garland pink & white cogs are set between 14 lavender/green roses ... altogether 32 Clichy-style roses! The centre of the rich purple colour ground is underlaid with opaque white, whereas the outer edge is translucent amethyst.
Scratch-signed on the polished, concave base: Parabelle Glass 1998 One of Ten.
1998 was the final year of paperweight production at Parabelle.


Diameter82mm - 3 1/4"
Height54mm - 2 1/8"
  • Reference: PAR 01050
  • Weight: 0.70kg