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Cruciform Closepack (2007)

Cruciform Closepack (2007)
Cruciform Closepack (2007)
Cruciform Closepack (2007)
Cruciform Closepack (2007)
Cruciform Closepack (2007)
Cruciform Closepack (2007)
Cruciform Closepack (2007)

From a blue-and-white centre cane, dark-blue tubes with white latticinio threads spiralling around them - lined on both sides by white ruffle canes - divide the weight into 4 panels. Each quadrant is closely packed with an assortment of intricate crimp and complex canes, in shades ranging from green, blue and turquoise to pink, ruby and maroon - including the white silhouette of a lady’s head set inside a red crimp cane. The basket enclosing the setup is made of alternating light and darker blue staves, with a white and yellow centre.
A “B” signature cane is set near the perimeter; the weight is also signed and dated on the flat polished base.


Diameter80mm - 3 1/8"
Height53mm - 2 1/8"
  • Reference: BRO 00936
  • Weight: 0.55kg