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    18-cane Chequer; centre rose

2-row Concentric on Lace; yellow rose

2-row Concentric on Lace; yellow rose
2-row Concentric on Lace; yellow rose
2-row Concentric on Lace; yellow rose
2-row Concentric on Lace; yellow rose
2-row Concentric on Lace; yellow rose
2-row Concentric on Lace; yellow rose
2-row Concentric on Lace; yellow rose
2-row Concentric on Lace; yellow rose
2-row Concentric on Lace; yellow rose

A large pink/green rose centres this 2-row concentric, which features 2 other roses one being a rare yellow version. The complex millefiori canes - in the vibrant colours so typical for Clichy: burgundy, green, cobalt-blue, turquoise, purple and various shades of pink - are set on parallel white filigree rods.
A good-sized wear rim surrounds the polished, concave base.

Conditionvery good
Diameter54mm - 2 1/8"
Height43mm - 1 11/16"
  • Reference: CLI 04434
  • Weight: 0.45kg